Protection L2 - L5 from DDOS attacks
- All virtual and dedicated servers of our hosting are automatically connected to the L2 - L5 protection system against DDoS attacks
- Protection provided by StormWall, one of the largest IT infrastructure security providers, with a maximum coarse bandwidth of more than 3.5 Tbps and fine packet filtering of more than 1600 Gbps
- For servers, by default, basic traffic filtering rules apply, but for more efficient server operation, individual settings may be required.
- Дополнительная настройка защиты позволяет отфильтровать лишние запросы к серверу, снизить нагрузку, оптимизировать и максимально снизить ping до Вашего сервера
- For many popular game servers, we already have ready-made sets of rules to protect against DDoS attacks and we can quickly apply them to your server
- If there are no ready-made rules, then we can create new rules for your game server or other project
- To create individual rules, it is necessary to dump legitimate traffic in order for the protection to work as efficiently as possible

The procedure for collecting a dump and setting up individual rules:
Provision of information
- You need to tell us what software / game server you have installed, its name and version, for example Minecraft pocket edition 1.18
- Tell us what ports and protocols (udp/tcp) are used by your software / game server and services on the server itself (ssh, ftp, etc.)
- Provide the IP address of your PC from which you will connect to the server to collect the dump
Preparing and collecting a traffic dump
- You will need to completely disconnect from the server (close rdp/ssh connection, game launchers, etc.) and tell us
- We will prepare rules for dumping a legitimate connection
- Then, strictly on our command, you will need to connect, for example, to the game server, log in to the game, play for 1-2 minutes, then exit the game, close the game launcher and disconnect from the server
- After completing the above steps, you inform us about it
Application of individual rules
- We will check if the traffic dump was correctly collected from your IP (if necessary, the procedure will need to be repeated)
- Next, we will prepare the filtering rules for your project and inform you when it is ready
- If after applying the rules there are no problems with the server operation, then the configuration of individual protection is completed